hey guys it's basil Jane today I'm gonna be doing one full week of healthy weight loss meal prep with you guys in just one hour so in just one hour all of our meals for the entire week for seven days are going to be prepped so breakfast lunch dinner and snacks so it's perfect if you're really busy but you still trying to lose weight and you're still trying to eat healthy meals as well then this perfect video and yeah that's about it let's get started with the recipes this is a weight loss plan designed for women specifically women who are trying to lose weight men or children will need to eat more to lose weight in a healthy weight just so you know and each day is based on roughly 1400 calories but you can easily adjust the calories per day to suit your specific needs at the end of this video I'll show you how you can easily tweak the eating plan to give you anywhere from 1,200 calories to 1600 calories per day or even more based on your specific calorie needs to lose weight and I've specifically created these meals and recipes to be lower in calories but to still be filling and to give you good sustained energy these recipes are all balanced with good whole carbs good protein and healthy fats as it's important to eat all of the food groups while trying to lose weight in a healthy way I'll also make sure to mention a plant-based alternative that you can use for any food items that are not plant-based so to get started you'll need some containers to store your meals and you'll need 14 containers for all of your lunch and dinner meals as we're making food for seven days if you'll be eating at home then you can use covered bowls or other dishes and you'll also need for small mason jars you can also just use covered mugs or glasses and you'll also need some reusable Ziploc bags or other small containers for snacks and other items so because we want a meal prep seven full days of meals in just one hour we need to start prepping and cooking the foods that will take the longest to cook so we will work in that order and at the end we'll see all of the meals come together make sure that you've preheated your oven to 180 degrees Celsius or about 360 degrees Fahrenheit before you begin okay so we're gonna start with the  potatoes because they will take the  longest to cook out of everything that we'll be making today we're gonna make enough potatoes for four servings of dinner because we'll be using them for four out of the seven dinner meals you'll need 400 grams of regular potatoes in total I'm using regular baby potatoes but you can just use our normal size if you want to I've washed and chopped them up roughly and I'm adding them to a roasting pan with about 1 TSP of cooking oil some Italian herb mix black pepper and sea salt and I've only fold one half of the roasting tray because we're gonna use the other half of the tray for something else in a couple of minutes so make sure that you keep your potatoes to the one side of your bursting tray and you can place the potatoes in your oven that you've preheated to about 180 degrees Celsius or about 360 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 to 50 minutes and then they'll be done next we need to start roasting the vegetables as these also take a long time to cook I'm using vegetables that are already chopped up because this saves a lot of time if we only have an hour and so many stores so pre chopped vegetables these days and you can use any vegetable mix that you want to I've got two different vegetable mixes here for you know some variation throughout the week I'm using a mix of butternut squash beetroot and red onion for four out of the seven dinner meals I'm using the entire bag because it's a smaller bag and then I'm using a mix of butternut squash red bell pepper and zucchini for the other three dinner meals I'm only using about half the bag because as you can see it's a much larger bag but you can use all the same kinds of vegetables if you'd prefer for all of your dinner meals so according to the nutrition information on the bags I've used enough vegetables to give me roughly seventy calories per meal we'll be adding some more vegetables later and that will take each vegetable serving to roughly 100 calories per dinner meal and I'm including the calories for the oil that we're going to use as well and all of that into the total calorie amount for the vegetables so I've added the vegetables to another baking tray with about a half a TSP of oil to each vegetable mix and it's about 1 teaspoon in total with some Italian herb mix black pepper and sea salt I also decided to actually add a few cherry tomatoes to the one mix which won't add too many more calories and they're really nice whenever nurse stood I love it so you can add the vegetable tray to the oven with the potatoes and they'll take roughly 30 to 40 minutes to cook fully now we're gonna start cooking the grains will be making quinoa as well as some brown rice for you know some variation feel free to only use one of them if you'd prefer to do that that's totally fine to a part you can add one serving of dry brown rice with three servings of hot water just careful not to burn your hands while you're working with the hot water the brown rice will take about 40 minutes to cook and to another part you can add one serving of dried quinoa with three servings of hot water so it's a 1 to 3 ratio for both grains one serving of grains to 3 servings of water but you can add a little bit more water if you need to as you go and the quinoa will only take about 15 minutes to cook so make sure you get it off the stove after about 15 minutes make sure you time it you can make as much of each grain as you need you can start with about half a cup of dry brown rice which should yield about one and a half cups of cooked brown rice which is what you'll need today for this meal prep and you'll need about three and a half cups of cooked quinoa for this meal prep so you can start by making one and 1/6 of a cup of dragon way as a rough guideline to yield about three and a half cups of cooked quinoa you can bring both pots of grains to a boil on the stove and then let them simmer until they're fully cooked and remember to check your quinoa after about 15 minutes and your brown rice should be done after about 40 minutes next we're gonna prep enough salad to last 7 days we'll be using the salad to go with our lunches so the key is to use ingredients that will keep well in the salad and that will keep well for a couple of days in a salad we'll be making two different salad options as well for some variation throughout the week to start I've got a whole lot of fresh kale that I've washed and roughly chopped up kale keeps really well in a salad better other leafy greens so I love using this I'm dividing the kale into two salad bowls so that we can make two salad variations and I'm adding one teaspoon of olive oil to each bowl with a little bit of sea salt I'm just gonna wrap the olive oil and the sea salt into the kale just for a minute this actually helps to make the kale softer and give it a better texture and I've got enough to have you know like a nice big handful for each meal and we're gonna use this for seven meals seven lunches so make sure you've got about seven handfuls so I've also roughly chopped up some vegetables and I'll only be using ones that keep well for a few days in a salad carrots red bell pepper and celery and then I've also got some tiny little cherry tomatoes which I'll be leaving hole to make sure that they stay fresh and then I've got a little bag of pre grated beetroot you know to save time and you can just about all of your vegetables pre-chopped to save extra time as well so to my first salad I'm adding the celery one or two stalks chopped up in total and then some red bell pepper I just used one medium red bell pepper and then also a nice big handful of cherry tomatoes I've used about a heaped cup if you want to know the amounts these are all really low-calorie vegetables as well fresh lemon juice is a must to keep the salad fresh for the entire week and it looks really good flavor and then some black pepper and Italian herb mix and then you can just mix that up and put it aside for now for the next salad I'm adding chopped carrot I've used about four medium carrots because I love carrots so much but you don't have to use as many you can just use like two carrots and

then I'm using some of that grated
beetroot and ask big handful and then
some dried cranberries as well try to
use ones that are free of preservatives
and refined sugar if you can find them
otherwise it's totally chilled you can
just use whatever you can get don't
stress about it though um it's just
cranberries but the ones that I use are
sweetened with fruit juice and they
sulfate free I've used about 4
tablespoons of dried cranberries because
we're making the salad into four
servings and then I'm adding about 2
tablespoons of unsweetened balsamic
vinegar with a little bit
fresh lemon juice just don't get the
seeds in there and black pepper and then 

you can just mix that up and put it
aside again for a few minutes and this
is one of my favorite salads ever it's
freaking amazing okay now that the
salads are prepped now we're going to
prep some of the protein sources we're
gonna make some salmon we're gonna make
some chicken we're gonna make some eggs
we're gonna make some chickpeas but
don't worry. 

I will mention a plant-based
protein source that you can use and as
an alternative if you'd prefer that
instead of the the fish the chicken and
the eggs but they will be roughly the
same calories so the potatoes have been
roasting for a few minutes already so
now we're gonna add some salmon to the
baking tray and that's why I said keep
the potatoes to one side I've made a
little divider out of the baking foil so
that the potatoes don't get like salmon
II no one wants that but if you have
some kind of little divider you can use
that I have 400 grams of salmon here so
4 times 100 grams servings because we'll
be using this for four out of the seven
dinners and I'm seasoning that with a
little bit of sea salt black pepper and
a bit of fresh lemon juice and as a
plant-based alternative to the salmon
you can use 2/3 of a cup of cooked or
canned chickpeas per serving so that
would be 2 plus 2/3 of a cup in total
and chickpeas are delicious roasted you
can just add them to your baking tray
with some sea salt sand pepper some
herbs and about 1 teaspoon of oil and
you can place the salmon in the oven for
about 15 minutes or longer if you need
to and the chickpeas will take about 30
minutes to cook next we're prepping some
chicken I have got 300 grams of chicken
breast meat to make 3 servings of dinner
so 100 grams per serving
I just got pre sliced chicken breast
meat to make it easier but you can just
slice yours up if you need to just place
the chicken in a pan with some sea salt
some pepper Italian herb mix a little
bit of fresh lemon juice and about 1 tsp
of oil and about 2 tablespoons of pure
tomato paste as an alternative to the
chicken you can use some firm tofu use
105 des grams of firm tofu per serving of
chicken so you'd need 450 grams of firm
tofu in total. 

And you can cook it
exactly the same way as the chicken with
exactly the same ingredients and cook
the chicken or the tofu over a medium to
high heat on the stove for about 10 to
15 minutes you can toss it with a
spatula and you can add just a little
splash of water if you need to if while
you're cooking it if the pan gets too
dry now for the eggs I'm using 6 eggs to
make hard-boiled eggs for three of the
lunches so we'll use 2 eggs per serving
carefully add the eggs to a pot of hot
water and bring the water to a boil in
the pot on the stove with the eggs in it
and then let it simmer for about 10
minutes to make the eggs hard-boiled you
can also use black beans as an
alternative if you don't want to use the
eggs and you can use precooked or can
black beans roughly one cup per serving
instead of the two eggs so about three
cups in total for three lunches I'm also
going to steam some broccoli to eat our
dinners so I've got enough here for a
little handful serving for each dinner
so 7 servings in total for 7 dinners you
can do about 60 grams or so per serving
if you want to get all specific so you
do roughly about 420 grams in total for
all seven servings of dinner you can
also use broccoli floret or another
low-calorie vegetable that you'd prefer
like asparagus or zucchini so just place
that broccoli in a steamer and steam it
for about 10 to 15 minutes so make sure
that you set a timer
okay well everything else is still busy
cooking we're gonna make all of the
breakfasts for the whole week which is
gonna be actually really quick to do for
different overnight oats recipes 
          And then we're also gonna prep three 
       smoothies as well and each breakfast
       will be roughly 400 calories to each jar
you can add half a cup of dry rolled
oats and you can also add 2 teaspoons of
chia seeds to each jar then to 2
overnight oats only add 1/4 of a cup of
water and then to the other two
overnight oats add half a cup of water
and you'll see why in just a moment so
do a quarter cup of water to two of them
and half a cup of water to the other two
and then you can also add a little pinch
of cinnamon to each jar for some extra
flavor so to the two overnight oats that
we only added a quarter cup of water
we're gonna add about two-thirds of a
cup of yogurt I'm using coconut yogurt
because I'm dairy-free but you can also
use full cream dairy yogurt or any other
yogurt substitute that you'd prefer
preferably plain and unsweetened and the
reason we needed less water is because
the yogurt you know with the yogurt you
don't want to add too much water and
then to the other two overnight oats breakfast                                we're gonna make four

that we used half a cup of water for I'm
adding 10 roll cashew nuts to one and
about a 1 tablespoon of unsweetened
peanut butter to the other one now for
the fruit I'm adding 1 cup of chopped up
apple to the 1 yogurt 1 and 1 smashed
banana to the other yogurt 1/2 the
overnight oats that I added the cashew
nuts too I'm adding 1/2 a cup of diced
frozen pineapple and also 1/2 a cup of
frozen blueberries and then to the
peanutbutter one I'm adding one full cup
of frozen mixed berries and then also
one teaspoon of 100% pure maple syrup to
each of the berry ones the yogurt ones
with the apple and the banana shouldn't
need the sweetener because the apple and
the banana are both quite sweet the
berry ones they have slightly less
calories in them from the fruit as well
so kind of all evens itself out but you
can add sweetener if you do need it to
the other ones so just mix them all
together and cover them and you can
easily make the same flavor for each day
if you want to or you can make a
different one for each day like added
I've also got lots of other overnight
oats recipes that I've already shown you
on this channel so I will link a couple
of videos below in the description box
for you where I've done other overnight
oats recipes if you'd rather try another
flavor okay for the smoothie prep you'll
need about 3 medium sized Ziploc bags
which you can easily reuse again I've
peeled and sliced up three medium
bananas and also one medium avocado and
I've divided all of that into three so
to each the plug bag I'm adding one
medium banana and 1/3 of an avocado
banana and avocado birth freeze really
well if they've already been peeled and
both of them are really good in
smoothies so that's perfect from here
we're gonna make each smoothie slightly
French so that we have a different
smoothie each day - one bag we're gonna
add 1 cup of dust frozen mango to the
second bag we're gonna add one cup of
frozen mixed berries and to the third
bag we're gonna add one cup of frozen
blueberries the berries are lower in
calories than the mango so because of
that I'm adding one tablespoon of dry
rolled oats to each of the berry
smoothies this is gonna kind of help to
balance out the amount of calories and
also help to give us more carbs in those
smoothies until the mixed berry one I'm
also adding a small handful of fresh
baby spinach which also freezes really
well actually and you can add this to
all of the smoothies if you want to or
you don't have to add it at all if you
don't want to so that's our three
smoothies prepped which were roughly 300
calories each so to add another 100
calories and some extra protein to each
of those three breakfasts we're gonna
add some raw nuts to the meals I've
added about a hundred calories of raw
nuts to each bag which is what I like to
do when when I have a smoothie I like to
eat some raw nuts on the side I've paid
ten roll Kashi nuts with the mango
banana smoothie totally gives me like
tropical vibes so I thought it would be
fun and then I've got a troll walnut
halves to go with the mixed berry banana
spinach smoothie and then also 14 raw
almonds to go with the blueberry banana
so just seal the Ziploc bags and then
you can put that smoothie prep straight
into the freezer and you can store the
little nuts of bags in the fridge if you
want to I decided to keep the snacks for
the week really simple and easy because
we're taking this hour to make some
wholesome healthy meals so I'm gonna be
prepping a couple of different fruit and
nuts snacks for the week and each snack
will be roughly 200 calories for the
first day I've kept it super simple with
a classic apple and almond snack I've
got 14 raw almonds and a big
medium-sized Pink Lady Apple which is my
favorite kind of Apple so that'll be
roughly 200 calories in total I'm also
gonna do one more of the exact
combination for another day because I
really like pink lady apples and almonds
so 14 raw almonds
a Pink Lady Apple again the third snack
will be similar but a little bit
a troll walnut halves and one green
apple to mix things up a bit you know
which is also gonna be roughly 200
calories then the fourth and fifth
snacks will be the same again each will
be too small clementines head with ten
roll pica nut halves which is roughly
200 calories again and then the sixth
and seventh snack will be the same -
I've got one medium-sized nectarine with
a hundred grams of strawberries and also
ten roll Kashi nuts again about 200
calories for the whole snack and I've
made a double quantity of that and you
can store all of your snacks in the
fridge until it's time to eat them so
basically what I've done is I've taken
100 calories of fruit and 100 calories
of nuts for each snack and I've put that
together to make a 200 calorie fruit and
that snack so it's really simple you can
use any fruit and any nut combination
that you'd like and if these snacks are
too boring for you that's okay then I've
got more 200 calorie snack ideas on my
blog I'll link to that blog post below
for you or you can feel free to
substitute these snacks for any other
200 calorie snack or even a 200 calorie
snack bar okay so the quinoa and the
rice have finished cooking and the eggs
are boiled and the chicken is cooked and
the vegetables are done roasting and the
potatoes and the seminars are done and
the broccoli is also finished steaming
so now everything is done cooking we can
finally finish putting the lunches and
the dinners together first we're gonna
finish prepping the lunches so for the
first lunch
we're going to use the quinoa and we're
gonna use the chickpeas and also one of
the salads that we made I've got four
containers here and I'm measuring out
half a cup of cooked quinoa to each of
the four containers
then a measuring out 2/3 of a cup of
canned chickpeas to each container I
just drained and rinsed the chickpeas
you can also use cooked chickpeas if
you'd prefer to and then I'm dividing
one of the salads to go with these
lunches too I've used the balsamic
carrot beetroot and dried cranberry
salad because I think it's a really nice
pairing with the chickpeas and the
quinoa and I made the salad a bit bigger
than the other one because we're gonna
use this one for four portions and that
is for lunches for the week already done
super simple and each lunch is roughly
400 calories in total for the other
three lunches we're gonna use the X that
we boiled so I took the eggs off the
stove after about 10 minutes of boiling
to make them hard-boiled but not like
overcooked to get the eggshells off
easily I actually like to crack the egg
shells a bit on the side of the pot and
then just let the cooked eggs sit in
cold water for about a minute or so
after they're done boiling and then the
shells that actually come off really
easily so for a plant-based alternative
you can use about 1 cup of cooked black
beans if you'd prefer to do that you
know instead of the bald eggs then a
measuring out 1/2 cup of cooked brown
rice to add to each of the containers
with two of the boiled eggs into each
container as well and I've left the eggs
whole so that they stay fresher for
longer and then I'm just dividing up the
other salad to go in the containers with
the rice and the eggs this is the pepper
tomato and celery salad and I made this
one a little bit smaller than the other
one because I'm using this for three
portions of lunch and I used the other
one for four portions of lunch these
three lunches are also roughly 400
calories each and you can just cover
them and store all of the lunches in the
fridge until you're ready to eat them
okay let's finish putting together our
dinners for the week with all of our
prepped ingredients and then we're done
then we're all done for the entire week
we're gonna use the chicken we made or
you can now use the tofu alternative for
these three dinners I'm serving 1/2 a
cup of cooked quinoa to each of my three
containers and you can also use half a
cup of cooked brown rice if you would
prefer to do that instead of the quinoa
then I'm just dividing up the cooked
chicken between the three containers so
that's 100 grams of chicken per
container so you'll also divide your
cooked firm tofu here between your three
meals if you want a plant-based
alternative and then I'm serving one of
the roast vegetable mixes here I'm using
the vegetable mix with butternut squash
tomatoes bell pepper and zucchinis to go
with the chicken and the quinoa and I'm
saving the other half of the veggies the
other vegetable mix to go with the next
four dinners that we'll be making and
then don't forget the steamed broccoli
if you made that too so I'm dividing the
broccoli up between seven servings
because we'll use some for the other
four dinners as well so just use enough
for three servings here and after you've
added the broccoli these dinners are
ready and they look so freaking good
that looks so good so just cover them
and then you can store them in the
and then let's put the final dinners
together we're almost done prepping all
of our meals for the entire week oh my
gosh okay so we've got our roasted
potatoes and our salmon which look so
delicious so I'm dividing the roasted
potatoes into four containers love
roasted potatoes so much oh my gosh then
I'm serving the four portions of salmon
into the containers too you can use your
words to chick peas here if you made
that as the plant-based option instead
of the salmon and you can just divide
the roasted chickpeas into four servings
as we're doing with the salmon and then
also some of the roasted vegetables I'm
using the rest about a nut squash
beetroot and onion mix to go with the
salmon and potatoes I just think it
pairs really nicely
and then at the rest of the steamed
broccoli you can use the last four
servings now and after you've added the
broccoli these dinners are ready and
there you go all of the dinners are
ready they look amazing just cover them
store them in the fridge with all of
your other meals and we are done we are
prepped and we are done we have prepped
all of our meals and all of our snacks
for the entire week so you can choose
either one of your overnight oats or the
smoothies for each morning what's really
great is that every single morning we
have a completely different breakfast
recipe and your overnight oats are good
to go you can literally eat them out of
the jar with a spoon or you can serve
them in a bowl whatever you like and the
smoothies are all prepped and ready to
go all you need to do is just throw your
prep smoothie into a blender with about
a half a cup to 3/4 of a cup of water
and then you're good to go and you can
just snack on the raw nuts on the side
then for lunch you've got the option of
the eggs with the brown rice and the
salad or the quinoa the chickpeas and
the salad or your other plant-based
alternative for your snacks you've got a
different fruit and nut snack
combination that you can pick for each
day so you can take whichever one you
want that day or any other 200 calorie
snack that you'd prefer and then for
dinner you've got the chicken the quinoa
and the vegetable dinner or you've got
the salmon the roast potato and the
vegetable dinner all your plant-based
alternatives all of the foods that I've
used should last for the whole week if
stored in the fridge just make sure that
you eat them within seven days you can
freeze the dinners if you'd prefer to do
that and then heat them up but the
lunches then the overnight oats one keep
wall in the freezer so you'll want to
keep those in the fridge and also be
sure to keep your smoothie prep in the
freezer and you can heat your meals up
in a pan or any other way that you'd
prefer I like to heat my chicken dinner
up in a pan for a few minutes and then
serve it it just takes a few minutes and
then it's heated and it's super easy and
then I like to take my overnight oats
and my lunches and must max with me to
work all of the meals are roughly 400
calories each and if you followed my
guidelines with the alternative
plant-based options and portions humor
should still be roughly 400 calories
each as well and I really hope that you
enjoy these meals and recipes these are
meals that I like to eat and recipes
based on what I ate when I was trying to
lose weight if you don't like a
particular ingredient that I've used
then feel free to use another similar
ingredient that you'd prefer that is
roughly the same amount of calories just
remember that we're all different and so
every woman has different calorie needs
to lose weight in a healthy way so if
you'd like to follow a 1400 calorie diet
you can eat all three of the meals as
well as the snack every single day as I
showed you all of the meal prep that we
did today basically if you'd like to
follow a 1200 calorie diet you can eat
all three of the meals and then just
leave out the fruit and nut snack which
is 200 calories because of your minus
200 calories from 1400 calories you get
1200 calories and if you need to eat
more to lose weight in a healthy way
because some women do like 1600 calories
or more then you can easily just add
another 200 calorie snack like another
200 calorie for a nut snack or any other
snack that's 200 calories or a snack
that's more than 200 calories if you
need that but you know what all the
meals are prepped and that's gonna save
so much time during the week ah but yeah
there was a lot of work but got it done
in an hour so okay so that was a little
bit of work but it's it's so worth it
all the meals are done for the entire
week I don't have to think about cooking
or making food for the entire week so I
love doing this when I was trying to
lose weight it was just such a time
saver and then I didn't have to think
about the calories that I was gonna eat
for the entire day all the entire week
everything was prepped and ready to go I
knew how many calories I was eating I
knew how much I knew like that I was
eating healthy food I knew that I was
getting enough food it's just so easy so
yeah it's it's definitely a lot of
effort for the one hour but it's so
worth it because then it's just all done
anyway I really hope that you enjoyed
meal prepping with me today and yeah I'm
making weight loss meal prep I really
hope that this video can be helpful to
some how
and I hope that you enjoyed the recipes.

WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PREP FOR WOMEN WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PREP FOR WOMEN Reviewed by Healthknowledge on June 16, 2020 Rating: 5
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