then I'm using some of that gratedbeetroot and ask big handful and thensome dried cranberries as well try touse ones that are free of preservativesand refined sugar if you can find themotherwise it's totally chilled you canjust use whatever you can get don'tstress about it though um it's justcranberries but the ones that I use aresweetened with fruit juice and theysulfate free I've used about 4tablespoons of dried cranberries becausewe're making the salad into fourservings and then I'm adding about 2tablespoons of unsweetened balsamicvinegar with a little bitfresh lemon juice just don't get theseeds in there and black pepper and then
you can just mix that up and put itaside again for a few minutes and thisis one of my favorite salads ever it'sfreaking amazing okay now that thesalads are prepped now we're going toprep some of the protein sources we'regonna make some salmon we're gonna makesome chicken we're gonna make some eggswe're gonna make some chickpeas butdon't worry.
I will mention a plant-basedprotein source that you can use and asan alternative if you'd prefer thatinstead of the the fish the chicken andthe eggs but they will be roughly thesame calories so the potatoes have beenroasting for a few minutes already sonow we're gonna add some salmon to thebaking tray and that's why I said keepthe potatoes to one side I've made alittle divider out of the baking foil sothat the potatoes don't get like salmonII no one wants that but if you havesome kind of little divider you can usethat I have 400 grams of salmon here so4 times 100 grams servings because we'llbe using this for four out of the sevendinners and I'm seasoning that with alittle bit of sea salt black pepper anda bit of fresh lemon juice and as aplant-based alternative to the salmonyou can use 2/3 of a cup of cooked orcanned chickpeas per serving so thatwould be 2 plus 2/3 of a cup in totaland chickpeas are delicious roasted youcan just add them to your baking traywith some sea salt sand pepper someherbs and about 1 teaspoon of oil andyou can place the salmon in the oven forabout 15 minutes or longer if you needto and the chickpeas will take about 30minutes to cook next we're prepping somechicken I have got 300 grams of chickenbreast meat to make 3 servings of dinnerso 100 grams per servingI just got pre sliced chicken breastmeat to make it easier but you can justslice yours up if you need to just placethe chicken in a pan with some sea saltsome pepper Italian herb mix a littlebit of fresh lemon juice and about 1 tspof oil and about 2 tablespoons of puretomato paste as an alternative to thechicken you can use some firm tofu use105 des grams of firm tofu per serving ofchicken so you'd need 450 grams of firmtofu in total.
And you can cook it
exactly the same way as the chicken with
exactly the same ingredients and cook
the chicken or the tofu over a medium to
high heat on the stove for about 10 to
15 minutes you can toss it with a
spatula and you can add just a little
splash of water if you need to if while
you're cooking it if the pan gets too
dry now for the eggs I'm using 6 eggs to
make hard-boiled eggs for three of the
lunches so we'll use 2 eggs per serving
carefully add the eggs to a pot of hot
water and bring the water to a boil in
the pot on the stove with the eggs in it
and then let it simmer for about 10
minutes to make the eggs hard-boiled you
can also use black beans as an
alternative if you don't want to use the
eggs and you can use precooked or can
black beans roughly one cup per serving
instead of the two eggs so about three
cups in total for three lunches I'm also
going to steam some broccoli to eat our
dinners so I've got enough here for a
little handful serving for each dinner
so 7 servings in total for 7 dinners you
can do about 60 grams or so per serving
if you want to get all specific so you
do roughly about 420 grams in total for
all seven servings of dinner you can
also use broccoli floret or another
low-calorie vegetable that you'd prefer
like asparagus or zucchini so just place
that broccoli in a steamer and steam it
for about 10 to 15 minutes so make sure
that you set a timer
okay well everything else is still busy
cooking we're gonna make all of the
breakfasts for the whole week which is
gonna be actually really quick to do for
different overnight oats recipes
And then we're also gonna prep three
smoothies as well and each breakfast
will be roughly 400 calories to each jar
you can add half a cup of dry rolled
oats and you can also add 2 teaspoons of
chia seeds to each jar then to 2
overnight oats only add 1/4 of a cup of
water and then to the other two
overnight oats add half a cup of water
and you'll see why in just a moment so
do a quarter cup of water to two of them
and half a cup of water to the other two
and then you can also add a little pinch
of cinnamon to each jar for some extra
flavor so to the two overnight oats that
we only added a quarter cup of water
we're gonna add about two-thirds of a
cup of yogurt I'm using coconut yogurt
because I'm dairy-free but you can also
use full cream dairy yogurt or any other
yogurt substitute that you'd prefer
preferably plain and unsweetened and the
reason we needed less water is because
the yogurt you know with the yogurt you
don't want to add too much water and
then to the other two overnight oats breakfast we're gonna make four
that we used half a cup of water for I'madding 10 roll cashew nuts to one andabout a 1 tablespoon of unsweetenedpeanut butter to the other one now forthe fruit I'm adding 1 cup of chopped upapple to the 1 yogurt 1 and 1 smashedbanana to the other yogurt 1/2 theovernight oats that I added the cashewnuts too I'm adding 1/2 a cup of dicedfrozen pineapple and also 1/2 a cup offrozen blueberries and then to thepeanutbutter one I'm adding one full cupof frozen mixed berries and then alsoone teaspoon of 100% pure maple syrup toeach of the berry ones the yogurt oneswith the apple and the banana shouldn'tneed the sweetener because the apple andthe banana are both quite sweet theberry ones they have slightly lesscalories in them from the fruit as wellso kind of all evens itself out but youcan add sweetener if you do need it tothe other ones so just mix them alltogether and cover them and you caneasily make the same flavor for each dayif you want to or you can make adifferent one for each day like addedI've also got lots of other overnightoats recipes that I've already shown youon this channel so I will link a coupleof videos below in the description boxfor you where I've done other overnightoats recipes if you'd rather try anotherflavor okay for the smoothie prep you'llneed about 3 medium sized Ziploc bagswhich you can easily reuse again I'vepeeled and sliced up three mediumbananas and also one medium avocado andI've divided all of that into three soto each the plug bag I'm adding onemedium banana and 1/3 of an avocadobanana and avocado birth freeze reallywell if they've already been peeled andboth of them are really good insmoothies so that's perfect from herewe're gonna make each smoothie slightlytooFrench so that we have a differentsmoothie each day - one bag we're gonnaadd 1 cup of dust frozen mango to thesecond bag we're gonna add one cup offrozen mixed berries and to the thirdbag we're gonna add one cup of frozenblueberries the berries are lower incalories than the mango so because ofthat I'm adding one tablespoon of dryrolled oats to each of the berrysmoothies this is gonna kind of help tobalance out the amount of calories andalso help to give us more carbs in thosesmoothies until the mixed berry one I'malso adding a small handful of freshbaby spinach which also freezes reallywell actually and you can add this toall of the smoothies if you want to oryou don't have to add it at all if youdon't want to so that's our threesmoothies prepped which were roughly 300calories each so to add another 100calories and some extra protein to eachof those three breakfasts we're gonnaadd some raw nuts to the meals I'veadded about a hundred calories of rawnuts to each bag which is what I like todo when when I have a smoothie I like toeat some raw nuts on the side I've paidten roll Kashi nuts with the mangobanana smoothie totally gives me liketropical vibes so I thought it would befun and then I've got a troll walnuthalves to go with the mixed berry bananaspinach smoothie and then also 14 rawalmonds to go with the blueberry bananasmoothieso just seal the Ziploc bags and thenyou can put that smoothie prep straightinto the freezer and you can store thelittle nuts of bags in the fridge if youwant to I decided to keep the snacks forthe week really simple and easy becausewe're taking this hour to make somewholesome healthy meals so I'm gonna beprepping a couple of different fruit andnuts snacks for the week and each snackwill be roughly 200 calories for thefirst day I've kept it super simple witha classic apple and almond snack I'vegot 14 raw almonds and a bigmedium-sized Pink Lady Apple which is myfavorite kind of Apple so that'll beroughly 200 calories in total I'm alsogonna do one more of the exactcombination for another day because Ireally like pink lady apples and almondsso 14 raw almondsa Pink Lady Apple again the third snackwill be similar but a little bitdifferenta troll walnut halves and one greenapple to mix things up a bit you knowwhich is also gonna be roughly 200calories then the fourth and fifthsnacks will be the same again each willbe too small clementines head with tenroll pica nut halves which is roughly200 calories again and then the sixthand seventh snack will be the same -I've got one medium-sized nectarine witha hundred grams of strawberries and alsoten roll Kashi nuts again about 200calories for the whole snack and I'vemade a double quantity of that and youcan store all of your snacks in thefridge until it's time to eat them sobasically what I've done is I've taken100 calories of fruit and 100 caloriesof nuts for each snack and I've put thattogether to make a 200 calorie fruit andthat snack so it's really simple you canuse any fruit and any nut combinationthat you'd like and if these snacks aretoo boring for you that's okay then I'vegot more 200 calorie snack ideas on myblog I'll link to that blog post belowfor you or you can feel free tosubstitute these snacks for any other200 calorie snack or even a 200 caloriesnack bar okay so the quinoa and therice have finished cooking and the eggsare boiled and the chicken is cooked andthe vegetables are done roasting and thepotatoes and the seminars are done andthe broccoli is also finished steamingso now everything is done cooking we canfinally finish putting the lunches andthe dinners together first we're gonnafinish prepping the lunches so for thefirst lunchwe're going to use the quinoa and we'regonna use the chickpeas and also one ofthe salads that we made I've got fourcontainers here and I'm measuring outhalf a cup of cooked quinoa to each ofthe four containers[Music]then a measuring out 2/3 of a cup ofcanned chickpeas to each container Ijust drained and rinsed the chickpeasyou can also use cooked chickpeas ifyou'd prefer to and then I'm dividingone of the salads to go with theselunches too I've used the balsamiccarrot beetroot and dried cranberrysalad because I think it's a really nicepairing with the chickpeas and thequinoa and I made the salad a bit biggerthan the other one because we're gonnause this one for four portions and thatis for lunches for the week already donesuper simple and each lunch is roughly400 calories in total for the otherthree lunches we're gonna use the X thatwe boiled so I took the eggs off thestove after about 10 minutes of boilingto make them hard-boiled but not likeovercooked to get the eggshells offeasily I actually like to crack the eggshells a bit on the side of the pot andthen just let the cooked eggs sit incold water for about a minute or soafter they're done boiling and then theshells that actually come off reallyeasily so for a plant-based alternativeyou can use about 1 cup of cooked blackbeans if you'd prefer to do that youknow instead of the bald eggs then ameasuring out 1/2 cup of cooked brownrice to add to each of the containerswith two of the boiled eggs into eachcontainer as well and I've left the eggswhole so that they stay fresher forlonger and then I'm just dividing up theother salad to go in the containers withthe rice and the eggs this is the peppertomato and celery salad and I made thisone a little bit smaller than the otherone because I'm using this for threeportions of lunch and I used the otherone for four portions of lunch thesethree lunches are also roughly 400calories each and you can just coverthem and store all of the lunches in thefridge until you're ready to eat them[Music]okay let's finish putting together ourdinners for the week with all of ourprepped ingredients and then we're donethen we're all done for the entire weekwe're gonna use the chicken we made oryou can now use the tofu alternative forthese three dinners I'm serving 1/2 acup of cooked quinoa to each of my threecontainers and you can also use half acup of cooked brown rice if you wouldprefer to do that instead of the quinoathen I'm just dividing up the cookedchicken between the three containers sothat's 100 grams of chicken percontainer so you'll also divide yourcooked firm tofu here between your threemeals if you want a plant-basedalternative and then I'm serving one ofthe roast vegetable mixes here I'm usingthe vegetable mix with butternut squashtomatoes bell pepper and zucchinis to gowith the chicken and the quinoa and I'msaving the other half of the veggies theother vegetable mix to go with the nextfour dinners that we'll be making andthen don't forget the steamed broccoliif you made that too so I'm dividing thebroccoli up between seven servingsbecause we'll use some for the otherfour dinners as well so just use enoughfor three servings here and after you'veadded the broccoli these dinners areready and they look so freaking goodthat looks so good so just cover themand then you can store them in thefridgeand then let's put the final dinnerstogether we're almost done prepping allof our meals for the entire week oh mygosh okay so we've got our roastedpotatoes and our salmon which look sodelicious so I'm dividing the roastedpotatoes into four containers loveroasted potatoes so much oh my gosh thenI'm serving the four portions of salmoninto the containers too you can use yourwords to chick peas here if you madethat as the plant-based option insteadof the salmon and you can just dividethe roasted chickpeas into four servingsas we're doing with the salmon and thenalso some of the roasted vegetables I'musing the rest about a nut squashbeetroot and onion mix to go with thesalmon and potatoes I just think itpairs really nicelyand then at the rest of the steamedbroccoli you can use the last fourservings now and after you've added thebroccoli these dinners are ready andthere you go all of the dinners areready they look amazing just cover themstore them in the fridge with all ofyour other meals and we are done we areprepped and we are done we have preppedall of our meals and all of our snacksfor the entire week so you can chooseeither one of your overnight oats or thesmoothies for each morning what's reallygreat is that every single morning wehave a completely different breakfastrecipe and your overnight oats are goodto go you can literally eat them out ofthe jar with a spoon or you can servethem in a bowl whatever you like and thesmoothies are all prepped and ready togo all you need to do is just throw yourprep smoothie into a blender with abouta half a cup to 3/4 of a cup of waterand then you're good to go and you canjust snack on the raw nuts on the sidethen for lunch you've got the option ofthe eggs with the brown rice and thesalad or the quinoa the chickpeas andthe salad or your other plant-basedalternative for your snacks you've got adifferent fruit and nut snackcombination that you can pick for eachday so you can take whichever one youwant that day or any other 200 caloriesnack that you'd prefer and then fordinner you've got the chicken the quinoaand the vegetable dinner or you've gotthe salmon the roast potato and thevegetable dinner all your plant-basedalternatives all of the foods that I'veused should last for the whole week ifstored in the fridge just make sure thatyou eat them within seven days you canfreeze the dinners if you'd prefer to dothat and then heat them up but thelunches then the overnight oats one keepwall in the freezer so you'll want tokeep those in the fridge and also besure to keep your smoothie prep in thefreezer and you can heat your meals upin a pan or any other way that you'dprefer I like to heat my chicken dinnerup in a pan for a few minutes and thenserve it it just takes a few minutes andthen it's heated and it's super easy andthen I like to take my overnight oatsand my lunches and must max with me towork all of the meals are roughly 400calories each and if you followed myguidelines with the alternativeplant-based options and portions humorshould still be roughly 400 calorieseach as well and I really hope that youenjoy these meals and recipes these aremeals that I like to eat and recipesbased on what I ate when I was trying tolose weight if you don't like aparticular ingredient that I've usedthen feel free to use another similaringredient that you'd prefer that isroughly the same amount of calories justremember that we're all different and soevery woman has different calorie needsto lose weight in a healthy way so ifyou'd like to follow a 1400 calorie dietyou can eat all three of the meals aswell as the snack every single day as Ishowed you all of the meal prep that wedid today basically if you'd like tofollow a 1200 calorie diet you can eatall three of the meals and then justleave out the fruit and nut snack whichis 200 calories because of your minus200 calories from 1400 calories you get1200 calories and if you need to eatmore to lose weight in a healthy waybecause some women do like 1600 caloriesor more then you can easily just addanother 200 calorie snack like another200 calorie for a nut snack or any othersnack that's 200 calories or a snackthat's more than 200 calories if youneed that but you know what all themeals are prepped and that's gonna saveso much time during the week ah but yeahthere was a lot of work but got it donein an hour so okay so that was a littlebit of work but it's it's so worth itall the meals are done for the entireweek I don't have to think about cookingor making food for the entire week so Ilove doing this when I was trying tolose weight it was just such a timesaver and then I didn't have to thinkabout the calories that I was gonna eatfor the entire day all the entire weekeverything was prepped and ready to go Iknew how many calories I was eating Iknew how much I knew like that I waseating healthy food I knew that I wasgetting enough food it's just so easy soyeah it's it's definitely a lot ofeffort for the one hour but it's soworth it because then it's just all doneanyway I really hope that you enjoyedmeal prepping with me today and yeah I'mmaking weight loss meal prep I reallyhope that this video can be helpful tosome howand I hope that you enjoyed the recipes.