Health is Wealth

                           HEALTH IS WEALTH

 I would like to tell over health is wealth. As we know about common saying that health is wealth but I do not think that we follow this proverb in our daily life to get maintained. We know that good health leads to good way. If we are not living in discipline and following nature’s rule, we never become healthy in the life and never get to the success.

Now-a-days, people’s life has been so busy that they have no time for their health maintenance, doing exercises, talk to family members, friends, neighbors etc because of increasing competitions and technologies.

When the rich person gets diseased, He becomes an unhappy person than the poor healthy person. His life becomes useless instead of having lot of money. Money can not buy happiness and healthy life.

Some people save money for securing their future. But they forget to take care of their health, Saving money is good habit for future but declining health is not good for future. People should maintain their health together with the saving money.

To maintain a proper health, we should practice a disciplined life every morning to evening. We should get up early morning, go for morning walk, do some exercises, breath some fresh air, get fresh, eat food timely.

Health is Wealth Health is Wealth Reviewed by Healthknowledge on July 12, 2019 Rating: 5
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