how many carbs you have to eat to be in
ketosis this is a question we get a lot
of diet doctor I'm dr. Brett Shore the
medical director at diet dr. calm and I
think this is an important topic to go
over to talk about how many carbs to eat
to be in ketosis but also what is
ketosis why do you need to be in ketosis
and what else can influence ketosis
these are all topics we're going to get
into today ending with a clear
description of how many carbs are gonna
help you get into ketosis but before we
get into that I want to talk to you
about a new feature we have on YouTube
called diet dr. explores this features
our very own Christie Sullivan and this
is a fantastic series if you want sort
of the practical tips to really make low
carbs simple how do you cook things
easier how do you prepare things more
easily she just did a video on how to
make burgers in the oven instead of on
the grill which is something I've never
done before and it was great I mean it
was so simple the way she presents it is
so easy to digest I guess you could say
so easy to learn that I'm glad I watched
that video now I'm gonna start doing
that myself so definitely check out diet
doctor explores the whole series on
YouTube with Christy Sullivan but now
back to you how many carbs can I eat to
stay in ketosis so first what is ketosis
simply put ketosis is when your body
switches from burning glucose for fuel
which you get from carbohydrates and
sugars to burning fat for fuel and when
you're burning fat for fuel either fat
you eat or fat stores on your body you
can create ketones which then can be
used for fuel as your your brain and
have other effects they can have in your
body so that's what ketosis is now why
would someone want to be in ketosis now
to be honest the majority of the planet
doesn't necessarily need to be in
ketosis but the majority the planet
probably does need to reduce the amount
of carbohydrates they're eating if
everybody in the world got their
carbohydrates from fruits vegetables and
legumes we'd be in a much better
situation than we are now
so simply reducing carbohydrates from
the 300 grams or 400 grams that many
people are eating in the standard
American or standard Western diet down
to 150 grams would be a huge benefit for
most people especially if the quality
improved but for some people going
extra step and being in ketosis makes a
difference so who are these people well
certainly anybody with type 2 diabetes
who wants to treat and potentially
reverse their type 2 diabetes with
lifestyle then a ketogenic diet has
proven to be very beneficial in the
literature the same for people with
metabolic syndrome the same for people
who have a significant amount of weight
to lose whether it's 30 pounds or more
those are sort of arbitrary guidelines
but the more weight you have to lose the
more you may benefit from being in
ketosis other people who are trying to
treat neurological conditions whether
it's Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or
traumatic brain injury or some mental
health conditions while we don't have
conclusive evidence that the ketogenic
diet is beneficial for that there's lots
of animal data and anecdotal reports so
some people are using ketogenic diets
for that as well the same for treating
cancers now again if you're if you're
treating any medical condition and using
nutrition to treat a medical condition
always consult with your physician in
your health care team first we just want
to provide some general data so you can
use that information to approach the
conversation with your physician so
those are some of the reasons people
would rather be in ketosis rather than
just low-carb now there are other things
that affect ketosis though beyond just
how many carbs you eat your sleep your
stress your exercise and even protein
have all been linked to ketosis so sleep
and stress you know the worst that is
the more your cortisol your adrenaline
is going to be up that can affect you
ptosis fasting certainly can help you
get an indica ptosis better and we have
guides on time restricted eating and
intermittent fasting to help you along
the way
proteins an interesting one because a
lot of people talk about protein as
kicking people out of ketosis or
preventing people from getting into
ketosis and protein can be converted to
glucose through a process called
gluconeogenesis but when you look at the
big studies that have used you know 50
gram protein meals or 30 percent
calories from protein for the majority
of people that level of protein is not
an issue to get into ketosis now where
it might be an issue is if someone's
brand new to a ketogenic diet and
really insulin-resistant then there's
some some anecdotal and clinical
experience to suggest that protein may
be important there but in the long run
too little protein is probably a bigger
risk than too much protein when it comes
to worrying about your protein and taken
and the literature doesn't support
protein restricting ketosis as much as
some people might say or think it
happens so all right so that's sort of
the frame of what is ketosis why would
you want to be in ketosis what else
affects ketosis now how many carbs to
eat to be in ketosis so it diet doctor
we like to use net carbs that's your
total carbs minus the fiber because if
you're eating real foods natural foods
whether it's plant or animal source
foods any fiber that you get you don't
really digest your body doesn't absorb
and it doesn't affect your glucose in
your insulin it just passes right
through so for for Whole Foods natural
food diets 20 grams of net carbs is
going to get just about everybody into
ketosis that's a low enough level that
pretty much everybody will get into
ketosis now if you happen to be eating
lots of processed foods baked goods
those types of things that aren't the
natural foods then we recommend using
total carbs because then the fiber might
act a little bit differently okay no
some people though are still gonna have
no trouble getting into ketosis up to 50
grams per day and we wrote an article
about a study that looked at this in
healthy volunteers people who are eating
50 grams or less we're consistently in
ketosis now whether this also applies to
people are overweight insulin resistant
unclear because they weren't included in
that study
to be much less common so hopefully this
video was helpful to give you an idea of
how many carbs you can eat and still be
in ketosis but remember understand why
you want to be in ketosis first
understand the quality of your carbs
still matter
and that there are other factors that
can affect ketosis all right so if you
found this helpful please hit the
subscribe button below so you'll get all
our diet doctor updates and we have all
these guides that can that I've
referenced that you can see at diet
doctor calm to give you more information
all right thanks everybody take care and
have a great day.
under 20 for sure up to 50 if you're
healthy and physically active and
50 for some people above 50 it's going