The Simplest Way to a Healthy Life

The Simplest Way to a Healthy Life

 Questioner: You once mentioned that a largepopulation in the world is not healthy which they could be simply because we have not understoodsome simple things and these simple things can be very easily taught and disseminated in the world and shared with the rest of the people. Can you throw some more light on what thesesimple things are which can make us healthier? Sadhguru: Healthy? Oh… 
There was a young physician once.

 He went to his senior colleague and said - he had some problem with a certain diagnosis of a patient. Then the senior colleague said, 'Oh nervesand vomiting, is it? Hmm?' 'Yes but I don't find any medical reason forhim to be having nerves and vomiting.' So, the senior colleague suggested, 'You askhim if he is playing golf ? If he is playing, you tell him to stop. if he says I am not playing, ask him to play. He'll become okay.' Health is like that, (Laughs) really ! Some people are over worked and they haveill-health. Most people are under worked and they haveill-health today.

 If you lived here on this planet two hundredyears ago, physically, you would be doing at least twenty times more activity than whatyou are doing right now; physically. Definitely, isn't it? You would have walked to this place, you would’vedone everything with your hands, you would be doing minimum twenty times more activity,I think I am wrong, hundred times probably. Some of you two-hundred-and-fifty- times (Laughter). So, if you were doing that much activity thenI would have told you, 'take a break; take some rest.' Now, the body has not been used. Only by using this body, you can keep it well. When you say health you are talking aboutphysical health. You must use this body. The more you use it, the better it gets. One of the simplest things about health isjust to use the body.

 If you sufficiently use the body, body haseverything to create health for itself. Does it mean to say, 'That's the only thing,nothing else will happen to me, I’ll be perfect?' I would say, if we physically used our bodyas much as we should, I would say eighty percent of the ailments on this planet would just disappear; eighty percent. The remaining twenty percent, in that anotherten percent is because the type of foods that people are eating. They change the food habit- another ten percentwould disappear. That means only ten percent ailment wouldremain. That has happened because of variety of reasons. One is karmic, another could be atmosphericand there are other aspects that could have happened in the system, which can be lookedat. Out of all the sick people, if ninety percentof them become healthy just by using the body and eating the right food, ten percent couldbe easily handled. But now, the volume of ailment is so big becausewe don't eat properly or we eat very properly and we don't use the body properly (Laughs). So, apart from this, there are other aspectsto life. To put it very simply - as you exercise yourbody, if you just do this (Opens and closes the palms rapidly) a thousand times a day,just do like this thousand times a day and after one month just see how well your handwill work, nothing else. Just sit here and just do this thousand timesa day; after thirty days, you’ll find your hand works wonderfully well. If you do that with your brains (Gestures)– (Laughter) it will work wonderfully well in a month's time. If you do this with your heart, it will workwonderfully well.
 If you do that with your life energies, itwill work wonderfully well. 

When all these things work well, that's health. Health is not something that you invent. Health is not your idea. Health is life happening well. The life process is happening well, that'shealth. It's not your idea or my idea. We are acting as if health is our idea asif we created health. We didn't create health, if at all if we havecreated health... if at all we have created anything; we have created ill-health. 
We have not created health. Health is life's way. If you allow life to function fully, it ishealthy. So, you just have to use your body, use yourhead and use your energies. If these three things are well exercised andbalanced, you will be healthy. So, because right now, we are enjoying thegadgets. But if you build activity into your life,physical, mental and energy - all these things if you build in, health will come. Your body is working well, your mind is workingwell and your energy is supporting the two making sure nothing goes wrong. That's health. Life is happening in full flow, that's health. Health is not an idea; it is not a medicalidea. The medical fraternity and the medical knowledgehas become more and more essential because we have built in very unhealthy lifestyles. Never before in the world, medicine had thekind of importance as it is having today, simply because we are becoming more and moresedentary, so we are becoming more and more unhealthy. We are living longer maybe; that's becauseof excessive attention and, you know, you can live on tubes for twenty years. Otherwise nature has its own way of, you know,natural selection (Laughs). You know what that means? Yes, those... the life that is fit which willbe selected to live - that it is not fit which goes on.
But today we've made life in a different way,not that we can go back to those old ways any more. We cannot. But that doesn't mean we have to become sixtywhen we are twenty. Lot of twenty year olds today cannot performas much activity as sixty year olds used to do hundred years ago. It's a fact. Isn't it so? Hundred years ago, what a sixty-year-old personwas doing physical activity, that much activity a twenty-year-old cannot do it today. That means, we are just weakening humanity. A degenerate humanity, we will become overa period of time. So, you must use it.
The Simplest Way to a Healthy Life The Simplest Way to a Healthy Life Reviewed by Healthknowledge on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5
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