Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Breathing Exercises for Relaxation 

 (Holding breath). Hey everybody, Today I'm going to show you some pulmonary breathing exercises for things such as COPDor just to increase your lung capacity if your a swimmer or if your a surfer, if youwant to be able to hold your breath for longer. So let's get started. So with the breathingexercises, you always wanna inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Withyour mouth, you don't want to make kissie face, but purse your lips when you're breathingout.

 So the first thing you wanna do is breathe in through your nose for 2 seconds, and thenyour gonna purse your lips and blow out for 4 seconds. Pretty sexy, huh? Now just do thatabout 10 times to get the oxygen flowing. Then your gonna start making some movementswith your arms to loosen up the muscles in your chest area as well. So the first onewith your arms moving, bring your hands into clasped in front of you, and you are goingto move at your trunk.

 So your gonna take in a big breath, and while you are doing yourmovements, your going to breathe out. So big breath in, and out. Keep doing that as longas you are breathing out until you get to the end, and do that 5 times. After that,then we are going to do the chicken wing. So bring your arms up to your shoulders, andsame thing, big breath in through your nose, and while your breathing out, (circle motionswith shoulders). Makes me feel like I'm at a wedding doing the chicken dance. Now afterall that's nice and loosened up, you can try some breathing through your diaphragm. That'sactually breathing in the stomach area, instead of your chest area. A good way to know youare breathing with your diaphragm, is put your hands on your stomach like this. If yourfingers aren't moving back and forth, then your breathing up in your chest area. 

So tryand make your hands move...did you hear that noise? Somebody must be hungry! Same thing,do that about five times. The very last thing, is a very interesting, kind of embarrassingone. My brother claims that guys can't do it, but I think it's just because he can'tdo it. So what you are going to do, this is going to be a very forceful breathing out.You are just trying to get all the air out of your lungs, even in the reserved area,and then once your forcefully get all the air out, your gonna hold your breath and kindof suck in. It's going to actually make a little dimple here.

 So if you are doing itright, it will almost feel like a vacuum in your throat. So you are going to do this.Breathe in, and blow out. (Pointing to throat), and hold that as long as you can. When youlet go, it will make a real interesting kind of suction noise, and that's getting all ofit out. Hold it as long as you can, but since you are on the breathing out, it probablywill only be a few seconds. Oooo, after all that holding and breathing, I feel like I'mgonna pass out! I hope you don't feel like you're gonna pass out. If you have any questions,leave them in the comments section. If you would like to check out some more videos,go to Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Remember be safe,have fun, and I hope you feel better soon! 
Breathing Exercises for Relaxation Breathing Exercises for Relaxation Reviewed by Healthknowledge on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5
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